National Institutes of Health
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Abstract Three new species of Osmylus Latreille are described from China: Osmylus maoershanicola sp. n., Osmylus shaanxiensis sp…
Abstract A new species of osmylid (Heterosmylus processus sp. n.) is described and the other species in the genus from mainland…
Based on respective numbers of branches in fore- and hind wing, and on the morphology of fossil species, it has been assumed that…
Three new genera and five new species of osmylids are described from the late Early Jurassic — early Middle Jurassic of…
Osmylids are a very rare ancient group of the Neuroptera which can serve as natural enemy resources and "living fossils"to…
The crop and gut contents of field-collected adult O. fulvicephalus were examined. Extensively chewed insect fragments, as well…
New data on some small families of lacewings (Insecta: Neuroptera: Nevrorthidae, Osmylidae, Sisyridae, Dilaridae) New data on the…
The crop and gut contents of field-collect ed adult O. fulvicephalus were examined. Extensively chewed insect fragments, as well…
The Osmylidae of New Guinea are revised, and their taxonomic and distributional relationships discussed. All are Spilosmylinae…
THERE has been disagreement on morphological and palæontological grounds as to the relationship of the groups of true Neuroptera…