National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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Kekian merupakan produk diversifikasi perikanan dimana tekstur menjadi salah satu parameter penting penentuan mutu produk. Bahan…
According to the sales records of fishing boat "YUE YANG DONG NO.18023" from January 2006 to December 2007,together with the…
According to the biological data obtained through bottom trawl in the southern Taiwan Strait during 2001—2002,the population…
The BHC and DDT contents in three species of Nemipterus fish from continental shelf of northern South China Sea were determined…
The stock actuality of Nemipterus bathybius is analyzed according to recent survey data in southwestern continental of Nansha…
Profile of Cadmium, Zinc, Copper and Lead in sediment and tissues from four species of finfishes and shellfishes from estuarine…
Tms network analysis and protein gel electrophoresis were used as tools to find out intraspecific differences between Nemipterus…
Morphometric and meristic characters of six species of the genus emipterus collected from the South China
Sea of Terengganu were…
Nemtpterids are a group of quantitatively imporlEnl fsh alcng the Kerala coast.
The greater concentratioi) of Nemipterush in 30…
The occurrence of Nemipterus metopias (Bfeekar) in the seas around tacfa
is .rqpanWd for tin© first time based o» five specimens…