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MoMA Eve

The MoMA Eve was a handheld gaming console presented by Via in 2004. It was supposed to play PC games as well as games designed for it. The player… 
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During the past few decades, an explosive development of multiple camera systems has occurred. For example, a multiple camera… 
The final activity in the process of turbo jet engine and stationary gas turbine overhaul is control testing in specially… 
Multi-objective optimization problems exist widely in the field of engineering and science. Many nature-inspired methods, such as… 
This paper formulates one-to-many-to-one pickup and delivery problems with dynamic customer requests and traffic information. A… 
Multi-objective optimization problems exist widely in the field of engineering and science. Many nature-inspired methods, such as… 
Со сопранот Кристина Палија, дуото по втор пат се претстави во Линц, Австрија по покана од Здружението на католички високи школи, како и Австриско-Македонското друштво. На оваа сцена премиерно овој пат беа изведени и композиции од македонски композитори, „Марика мома убава“ од Томислав Зографски и „Ленка“ од Тодор Скаловски, од кои посебно беше воодушевена многубројната австриска публика. Инаку во програмата беа вклучени и песни и арии од Пучини, Рахмањинов, Верди, Корсаков, Обрадорс и многу други. На концертот како гостин настапи и нашиот хармоникаш Лазар Мишков кој е на постдипломски студии во Линц. Програма : T.Zografski – Marika moma ubava 2.T.Skalovski – Lenka 3.S.Rachmaninoff – “Do not sing to me beautiful maiden" 4.G.Verdi- Ein maskenball “Morro, ma prima in grazia” 5.G.Puccini – La Rondine “Che il bel sogno di Doretta" 6.G.Puccini – O mio babbino caro 7.F. Poulenc - Les chemins de l'amour 8.F.Schubert.- F.Liszt "Erlkonig" 9.E. Curtis — O Sole mio 10.F.Obradors— Al amor 10.F.Obradors— EI Vito 11.F.Obradors— Coplas del Curro Dulce 12.A.Lara - Granada 
  • Gao Ji
  • 2008
  • Corpus ID: 112039094
The basic object of architecture is to provide human beings with suitable space for activities.We need healthy, comfortable and… 
‘MoMA the Magnificent’. It's the only way to describe the recently reopened home of New York's Museum of Modern Art, designed by… 
La autora estudia, detallada y estadisticamente, la cartelera de Toulouse entre los anos 1995 y 2002: representaciones…