Linum bienne
National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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Quality has become a key word. Self-assessments and peer reviews, quality management and student polls have become ubiquitous…
The consultants’ accounts allow for an autobiographic perspective of their plurilingualism, which thus brings some answers to the…
Le projet bil.bienne bilinguisme a bienne kommunikation in Biel a etudie la communication verbale dans les espaces publics de…
Biel or Bienne are two names commonly used for the bilingual city in the north-west of Switzerland. How does the city's…
The numerical inversion of Laplace transform arises in many applications of science and engineering whenever ordinary and partial…
VOLUME 86 NUMBER 3 Precision attachments soldered to a dowel and core, such as the Dalbo attachment (Cendres & Metaux SA, Biel…
L'agriculture et l'elevage neolithiques sur les rives des lacs de Bienne et de Zurich recelent de nombreux paralleles: au debut…
SummaryThe results of the present investigation shall serve as a basis to a purposeful management of theCoregonus spp. of Lake…