Limax cf. cinereoniger BNM 061422
National Institutes of Health
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Es un manuscrito arabe sobreel derecho islamici especialmente en cargo de sistema judicial , es uno de los libros de la doctrina…
The Russian (VNIIM) and French (BNM-LNHB) national primary laboratories organized in 1997 a bilateral comparison in beta…
The object of this article is to present the angular reference plate developed by the BNM-LNE. After having presented the angular…
This paper deals with the improvements of the experimental setup devoted to high-accuracy measuring of current across the single…
The BNM-LNHB (formerly BNM-LPRI, the French national standard laboratory for ionizing radiation) is equipped with a SATURNE 43…
On presente dans cet article les resultats d'une intercomparaison, sur la mesure d'affaiblissement en haute frequence, qui s'est…
Cet article rapporte les moyens mis en oeuvre au BNM-LCIE, grâce au soutien du BNM, dans le cadre de l'etalonnage des…