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Known as: poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyloxycarbonyl-1,4-phenylenecarbonyl) 
National Institutes of Health

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Security holograms (SH) are widely used for authenticity protection of document and product due to difficulties of such a… 
Air cleaning efficiency tests on placing material load into the lavsan biofilter were carried out. Testing included butanol… 
The new approach for creation of film reflecting holographic marks for optical security is proposed. Such marks are replicas of a… 
A nuclear fragment registration by 6-µm lavsanlm detectors was studied in experiments with 0.2A4 GeV proton beam. The targets… 
Abstract ‘Esfil’ endoprosthetic meshes made of polypropylene monofilaments, ‘Eslan’made of lavsan multifilaments and ‘Ftorex… 
С появлением современных шовных материалов возникает потребность всесторонне изучить их свойства, в том числе и механические. Для практического хирурга при выборе важно знать, насколько податлива и послушна нить в руках, сколько узлов потребуется для закрепления шва и, в конечном счёте, какой тип шва оптимален для данной нити. Работа посвящена методике определения манипуляционных свойств хирургических нитей. Рассматриваются наиболее часто используемые в абдоминальной хирургии зарубежные рассасывающиеся нити типоразмера 3-0: Vicryl, Sofsilk, Polysorb, Dexon плетёные, состоящие из нескольких волокон и кручёный Капрон (российского производства), Catgut, Maxon и, сравнительно недавно появившаяся (1996 г.) нить Biosyn монофиламентные. Представлены диаграммы одноосного растяжения этих нитей и определён их модуль Юнга. Предложена методика определения изгибной жёсткости хирургических нитей. Показана взаимосвязь жёсткости нитей с модулем Юнга и зависимость её от количества волокон в пучке у кручёных и плетёных нитей. Дополнительно измерена изгибная жёсткость нескольких российских нитей: Лавсан, Фторест, Полиамид, Полипропилен, Фторлон, ПКА, ПА, ПП. Библ. 16.The appearance of new suture materials has motivated a comprehensive study of their properties. The detailed mechanical information on suture materials must be at the disposal of practical surgeons to help them in choosing the appropriate material. They must know exactly to what extent а thread in the hands is soft and ductile, how many knots will be required to fix a suture, and what type of stitch is optimal for the chosen thread. This paper is devoted to evaluating the manipulation properties of surgical threads. Several foreign absorbable threads of a standard size 3-0, most frequently utilised in abdominal surgery, were examined. They were Vicryl, Sofsilk, Polysorb, Dexon (braided) and twisted Kapron (Russian production) in multifilament form, Catgut, Maxon and Biosyn (the last was obtained in 1996) in monofilament form. The tensile diagrams for these threads are given and Young's modulus is determined for each thread. The procedure is proposed here to determine the flexural stiffness of surgical threads. The interrelation of the stiffness of threads with Young's modulus and its dependence on the amount of fibres in the strand of twisted and braided threads are shown. In addition, the flexural stiffness of some Russian-made threads was measured: Lavsan, Ftorest, Polyamide, Polypropylene, Ftorlon, PКА, PA, PP. 
: Endotheliocytes of lymphatic capillaries of different configuration were studied in total preparations of central tendon of… 
The position of the saturation boundary of an aqueous salt solution during filtration and salinization of capillary-porous wicks…