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Known as: DSTU 7564:2014 
Kupyna is a cryptographic hash function defined in the Ukrainian national standard DSTU 7564:2014. It was created to replace an obsolete GOST hash… 
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Papers overview

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Grostl is one of the SHA-3 finalist hash functions. Kupyna is the new Ukrainian hash standard, which is structurally very similar… 
Kupyna was approved as the new Ukrainian hash standard in 2015. In this paper, we show several pseudo-preimage attacks and… 
Объектом исследования является учебнотренировочный процесс подготовки волейболистов сборной команды ДГТУ. Разработаны алгоритм количественной оценки возможности травмирования и обоснование мероприятий по упреждению травм в ходе подготовки и проведения соревнований волейболистов. Проанализированы статистические данные о типовых травмах волейболистов и о вероятных условиях их возникновения; выбраны и изучены причины, признаки и показатели типовых травм волейболистов сборной команды ДГТУ; получены численные значения индивидуального риска травмирования волейболистов сборной команды ДГТУ; разработаны технические предложения по индивидуальным средствам защиты волейболистов ДГТУ. The object of the research is training process of volleyball players of DSTU combined team. The article provides the algorithm of quantitative assessment of injuries and the justification of measures for injuries prevention during training and competitions of volleyball players. It analyzes statistical data on typical volleyball players’ injuries and probable conditions of their occurrence. The authors have selected and studied the causes, signs and indicators of typical injuries of DSTU volleyball combined team. They have obtained the numerical values of individual risk of volleyball players’ injury of DSTU combined team; have developed technical proposals for personal protective equipment for DSTU volleyball players. 
Trends in the development of symmetric cryptography are constantly associated with the increasing of the sizes of keys and blocks… 
An approach for estimating the security of Grostl-like hashing algorithms to collision rebound attacks is proposed. The Kupyna… 
The hash function Kupyna was recently published as the Ukrainian standard DSTU 7564:2014. It is structurally very similar to the… 
Kupyna has been approved as a new cryptographic standard hash function of Ukrain in 2015 (Ukrainian standard DSTU 7564:2014). It…