K- phenotype
National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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This thesis presents new methods for classification and thematic grouping of billions of web pages, at scales previously not…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh sel bakteri Lactobacillus casei terhadap hiperplasia kelenjar prostat mencit…
Background: Shallot (Allium ascalonicum) extracts contains phytochemistry compound such as quercetin and allicin. Many literature…
Latar Belakang : Bawang putih dan cabe jawa bisa berfungsi sebagai antioksidan. Antioksidan berperan mengurangi efek dari oksidan…
The existence of pentaquarks is being studied in recent experiments at Jefferson Lab. This analysis investigates the reaction…
Zusammenfassung1. Um festzustellen, ob zwischen Ionengehalt und bioelektrischer Aktivität des isolierten Froschbulbus in Abh…
This thesis has a dual focus: the British Cabinet committee system and British colonial policy. Its primary interest is the…
21世纪的海洋将由什么样的新颖战舰来主宰?美、英、法、意、日等国的 DD(X)、45型、“地平线”等新型水面舰艇层出不穷,发展势头强劲。而以“梅科”(MEKO)舰(MEKO 的德语意思是多用途标准组合设计)享誉世界的德国造船界也将目光锁定在了2016…