National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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This study was conducted to quantify the potential for CO2 fixation in the above-ground biomass of summer maize (Zea mays L…
We thank you for your interest in our article entitled ‘‘The application of zero-profile anchored spacer in anterior cervical…
In the past decade, existing and new knowledge and datasets have been encoded in different ontologies for semantic web and…
Eesmargiks on abistada uliopilasi iseseisvalt Insenerigraafika "Hoone loige" teemat omandada ja saadud teadmisi praktiliste…
Opiobjekt on moeldud abiks tudengitele iseseisval teema omandamisel. Opiobjekti maht on 7 akadeemilist tundi ehk 0,2 EAP…
Transitoorne isheemiline atakk (TIA) on tervisehaire, millele ei poorata sageli tahelepanu, kuid mida peaks kasitlema…