Heliopetes alana
National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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Peroperatif sivi tedavisi, perioperatif hasta yonetiminin tartisilan konularindan biridir. Yetersiz sivi verilmesi ile efektif…
Japan's female scientists have been making agonizingly slow progress in academia. Only 22.5% of all full-time faculty positions…
OZET Insanda kanser olusumuna bircok faktorun etkili oldugu ileri surulmektedir. Bunlarin basinda tumor suppressor genleri…
Seagrass meadows are critical components of Indo-Pacific tropical marine environments providing some of the most economically…
Sphere always creates a relations network. Individuals in the public institutions maket he relations network which was created by…
Kultur ile siyaset arasindaki iliski, cogunlukla kutupsallastirmaya maruzkalmaktadir. Bir yanda kulturel alana tarafsizlik…
The aim of this study is to define kinship (hemsehri) associations that are organized in the cities through dense immigration and…
This article introduces a set of concepts (locality, locale and identity), used in the field of geography, to the analysis of…