National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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We investigated the distinction between two kinds of ``complexity equals action'' (CA) conjecture counting methods which are…
The overview of the high-impulse current measuring shunts with different configurations is presented. The paper looks into some…
This paper deals with electric field analysis on 150 kV GIS bushing using various type of insulation material. The basic bushing…
Ohjelmointikielia jaotellaan ohjelmointiparadigmoihin sen mukaan, millaista laskentamallia kielessa kaytetaan…
Este texto traz uma transcricao de relatorio final de pesquisa promovida pela Fundacao Nacional de Saude - Funasa, Edital 2001…
Liquid-assisted ventilation (LAV) of the lung with perfluorochemical (PFC) requires a method of oxygenating and removing CO2 from…
For each pair of nonadjacent vertices in a graph, consider the greater of the degrees of the two vertices. The minimum of these…
Silver aluminum phosphate glassed have been tested as a material for gradient index (GRIN) elements fabrication by exchange of Na…
The movement of 42K+ across the sarcolemma and the resting membrane potential (VM) of normal and denervated frog sartorius muscle…