National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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Objective: To determine the acute toxicity of trichlorophon (an organ phosphorus compound used in agricultural fields and a…
Need fast-acting control of surfacefeeding and soil insects? Dylox insecticide works immediately after irrigation or rainfall to…
This trial was conducted on a lawn at Campbell’s Scottish Highlands Golf Course, Salem, NH. All treatments were applied on 8 Sep…
SEVERAL low-persistence insecticides are currently employed over wide areas in the Northeast to control defoliating forest insect…
Abstract Not Available – First paragraph follows:
THE PINK BOLLWORM, Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) became a major pest of…
Three species of whiteflies, Aleyrodes spiraeoides Quaintance, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius), and Trialeurodes abutilonca (Haldeman…
Current research at Davis is investigating insecticide tolerance in lygus bugs in relation to alfalfa seed. Lygus bugs are the…
Abstract Not Available – First paragraph follows:
Serious infestations of the tomato leaf miner in 1958 failed to develop…