Delftia phage IME-DE1
National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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steigen aber die Werte fiir des Totalfet~ wie fiir des Gesamtcholesterin und fiir die Phospholipoide stark an. Des…
El articulo describe una historia reciente de lo que ha sido la autonomia de los centros en Espana, combinando -en el cuadro que…
-Red-cockaded Woodpecker (Picoides borealis) population trends and concurrent management on four national forests in eastern…
Detection of filarial antigen in blood or urine samples would provide an accurate indication of active infection. The absence of…
Circulating filarial antigen (CFA) isolated from the plasma of microfilaraemic patients was fractionated on an Ultrogel ACA 34…
-A new species of tanager, Tangara phillipsi sp. nov., from the Cerros de1 Sira, Peru is described. T. phillipsi belongs to a…