National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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Artikeln handlar om muridkvinnor i Senegal (el Muridiyya ar den nast storsta sufiordern i landet) och deras religiosa praktik…
The final report to discuss about the implementation of the performace appraisal. This final report was made using the method of…
Redistribution of radiocesium through a river system poses potential risks on residents within the river basin. Niidagawa river…
Tēma: Amerikas Kinoakadēmijas balva " Oskars". Viesi: kinokritiķi Dita Rietuma, Normunds Naumanis. Sižeti:
1) Oskara balvas…
using manual tr eat men ts and exercise. For a fuller statement of purp ose, see th e rec~n l article by Schneider and Gilford…
Raidījumu vada Pēteris Bankovskis. * Miris dzejnieks Marģers Majevskis * Saruna ar Latvijas Mākslas akadēmijas( LMA) rektoru Jāni…
Cette etude tend a dresser un bilan global sur l'evolution institutionnelle et sociologique des assemblees populaires communales…
During our fieldwork in 1979 we have focused our investigations on the area between Murodo-Terminal, Ryuo-bake, Yamasaki-Cirque…