Cochlodinium polykrikoides
National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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A Gram-negative, aerobic, non-motile, catalase and oxidase positive rod-shaped bacterium, designated strain 4CoA2T, was isolated…
In this research, we investigated the cytotoxic mechanisms of Cochlodinium polykrikoidescell lysate on isolated rat liver…
나로도를 중심으로 한 한국 남해안에서 발생하는 C. polykrikoides 적조의 원인 규명을 위해 1995년부터 2008…
An unarmored chain-forming dinoflagellate Cochlodinium polykrikoides Margalef is one of the harmful species for fish aquaculture…
한국 연근해역의 중규모 해양 환경변동이 Cochlodinium polykrikoides…
The Year 1998 has been a special HAB year for mainland China and Hong Kong. There was a huge toxic algal bloom which covered…
The clay and yellow loess have capability to adsorb and precipitate particles. The removal efficiencyes of those flocculents on…