Ciboria caucus
National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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In the article, “Midwives in Medical Student and Resident Education and the Development of the Medical Education Caucus Toolkit…
In 2005 a relatively small interdisciplinary group of LIS schools, all based in the U.S., announced its intention to form a new…
Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Garry B. Trudeau has accepted this year’s Senior Class Fellow invita tion, Senior Fellow…
本文為作者受邀於2010 年11 月16-17 日,在臺灣師大舉辦的「圖書資訊學蛻變與創新國際研討會」上所發表的文章。本文介紹丹麥皇家圖書資訊學院為歐洲圖書資訊科學校院,並為iSchool Caucus…
Introduction Women undergraduates now comprise more than 50% of students at Canadian universities; women academics, however, have…
Digital preservation is a central component of digital curation. Digital curation focuses on a lifecycle model for the creation…
Although there are some reports of research and activities related to professional development and continuing education for…
The field of information as expressed in the iSchool Caucus is in many respects a conglomeration of disparate elements. It…