Casual walking
National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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Introduccion: el traumatismo alveolo-dentario es muy frecuente en la infancia y supone un motivo habitual de consulta en los…
Professor Robert A. Stebbins, with over 35 years in leisure studies, has pioneered the ideas of ‘serious leisure’, ‘casual…
Varón de 9 años, previamente sano, sin antecedentes familiares ni personales de interés, que acude a consulta por presentar…
I In Dressed to Kill, putative heroine Kate Miller (Angie Dickinson) makes a pilgrimage to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. She…
Charlie is a genius violinist, the orphaned or abandoned offspring (probably) of a Cambodian woman and a black American GI, found…
This paper explores the frequency of different etiological agents causing urethritis among cases in the University College…
In six months patients from a defined population of 11,417 provided 826 casual attendances for minor conditions at a hospital…