National Institutes of Health
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Bu calismanin amaci, ortaokul ogrencilerine, yanlis tarim uygulamalarinin tarim alanlarini verimsizlestirdigini gostererek…
Bu arastirmada, MEB tarafindan 2013 yilinda gelistirilen kimya dersi ogretim programina gore hazirlanmis ve ders kitabi olarak…
Researches showes that primary school students have insufficient understanding of the nature of science. Recent studies emphasise…
Bu calismanin amaci genel biyoloji laboratuarinda “Tahmin Et-Gozle-Acikla” (TGA) stratejisine dayali hazirlanan etkinliklerin…
The aim of this study was to explore the effectiveness of one-week science workshop on science and mathematics teachers’ views of…
Bu makalede, 2012 yili basinda Turk egitim sisteminde reform adi altinda 8 yillik zorunlu egitim suresinin kisaltilarak dini…
The aim of this study was to explore the effectiveness of one-week science workshop on science and mathematics teachers’ views of…
Bu calismanin amaci ortaogretim 6. ve 7. sinif ogrencilerinin bilimin dogasi uzerine bakis acilari arasindaki farkliliklari…
It can be said that positivist perspectives constituted the focal point of the political debates and discourses in Turkey in the…
Bu makalede fen ogretiminin artik bilimsel arastirma yoluyla yapildigi uluslararasi bir calismada toplanan veriler kisaca…