National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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New information on the microstructures, general morphology, and features of preservation of plates of a whalebone from the…
Australian fossil Cetacea are reviewed as a prelude to ihe revision of previously-described taxa. The fifteen named species and…
A balaenid fossil was found from the Gonda Formation (latest Miocene-Early Pliocene), Nagano Prefecture, Japan in 1938, and…
The structure of the cardiac foramen ovale from 17 species representing six cetacean families, the Monodontidae, Phocoenidae…
Para atender a funcao de difusor de conhecimento, o Museu ao Ar Livre da ULBRA adota a politicade reunir documentos sobre a sua…
A heavy (GC rich) DNA satellite with terminal chromosomal localization is characteristic for all mysticete (whalebone whale…