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Azidocillin Potassium

Known as: 4-Thia-1-Azabicyclo(3.2.0)Heptane-2-Carboxylic Acid,6-((Azidophenylacetyl)Amino)-3,3-Dimethyl-7-Oxo-, Monopotassium Salt, (2s-(2Alpha,5Alpha,6Beta(S*)))-, D-(-)-Alpha-Azidobenzylpenicillin Potassium Salt 
The potassium salt of a narrow-spectrum, semisynthetic penicillin derivative with antibacterial activity. Azidocillin binds to and inactivates… 
National Institutes of Health

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Ampicillin and cephalexin are beta-lactam antibiotics that are synthesized by the condensation of D-(-)-alpha-aminophenylacetic…