National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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En este trabajo se estudia la germinacion de la espora, el desarrollo morfologico de los gametofitos y la expresion sexual de dos…
We aimed to understand the regional population dynamics of the endemic fern lineage Diellia (D. erecta, D. erecta f. alexandri, D…
La succession secondaire post-culturale a ete etudiee le long d’une chronosequence jacheres incluses dans une matrice de foret…
Species status cannot be adequately determined when partitions are based on only a single morphological character. For instance…
Gametophytes of Asplenium foreziense and related taxa have been studied by culture of spores on mineral agar and soil. Those of A…
The hexaploid Asplenium cyprium Viane et Van den heede sp. nov. and its pentaploid hybrid, A. xtroodeum Viane et Van den heede…
A new species of Aspleniaceae, Hymenasplenium inthanonense N. Murak. et J. Yokoy. was described from Doi Inthanon, Tha iland…
PRADA, C, E. PANGUA, A. HERRERO & S. PAJARON (1996). A comparative study of the gametophytes of Asplenium majoricum Litard…
Flavonoid profiles of 132 populations (472 individuals) ofAsplenium normale, and related species,A. boreale, A. shimurae, andA…
Asplenium cardiophyllum is a morphologically unusual species with simple leaves and anastomosing venation, and is often placed in…