National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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Lipid-modified cupredoxin azurin (Laz) is involved in electron transport in Neisseria and proposed to act as an electron donor to…
This article discusses about Power Quality (PQ) as a teaching subject and addresses the methodology employed in the theoretical…
Nowadays it is notorious that technology is part of our life, and it is being drastically evolving along the years. New forms of…
The evolution of techniques in technological vocational education constitutes a series of pedagogical strategies that allow…
In the recent period, public actions and policies have been increasingly oriented towards the improvement of economic…
The paper contains the detailed presentation of Rom ania’s endowment factors, respectively its natural, technical and material…
T h e p ap er p r ov id es a Q R S d es c r ip t iv e anal ys is of t h e E C G p l ot s ob t ained f r om a D ig it al S ig nal…
Background: Fetal growth restriction is related to a high rate of prematurity and mortality. In cases of unknown origin utero…
I n t h is p ap er t h e new ap p r oac h enab l ing t r u s t c ons t r u c t ion f or s ec u r it y f u nc t ions and m ec h…
Museum Island in Berlin is famous for the bust of Nefertiti (collected from Egypt), the Pergamon altar (dated 160 BCE, from Asia…