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2013 International child pornography investigation

Known as: Azov Films, Operation Spade, Operation Thunderer 
Project Spade, an international police investigation into child pornography, began in October 2010 in Toronto, Canada. The investigation started when… 
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У статті розглядається походження та змістове навантаження деяких термінів, пов’язаних зі святкуванням найпопулярнішого християнського свята приазовських греків – Панаїра, проводяться паралелі з грецькою та тюркськими мовами. (In the background of globalization, preservation and research of national minorities’ cultural heritage has become extremely vital. Mariupol Greeks’ holidays are individualization of Greek self-consciousness. It is Panair that is the most popular holiday among the Greeks living in the Azov Area and in the Crimea. Therefore many of the researchers pay special attention to description thereof. The early information of Panair dates back to 1652. In different years Bertier de la Garde, I. Tunman, M. A. Aradzhioni, F. O. Brown, I. V. Ivanova, I. E. Aleksandrovych, I. S. Ponomariova and others attended to this problem. The article is concerned with the origin and the contents of some terms associated with celebrating Panair, the Azov Geeks’ most popular Christian holiday (aju, ajus, kurban, sabantij). S. Markov, a teacher of Mariupol Public Lyceum, can be considered the first researcher of the Greek holiday Panair. In his book titled «Mariupol and its outskirts», S. Markov tried to carry out historical and linguistic decoding of this holiday’s name, ascertaining that the most veritable version is that the name was borrowed from the Greek «gathering» (translated from Ancient Greek– national holiday, numerous rallies). The article is also concerned with the contents and the origin of such terms as «yorti» (holiday), «kurban» (sacrifice, offering sacrifices, handout), «sabantij» (banquet), «vatairdzhi» (Panair initiator). Thus, it is noteworthy in general that the attempt to understand the origin and the contents of some ritual terms used by the Azov Greeks has proved to be successful. In the long run, it would be interesting to carry out detailed comparative analysis of the Greek holiday Panair and similar Turkic and Ukrainian holidays.) 
The author described geographical and historical-architectural sights seen in Azov and Kerch. Выходные сведения статьи: 
Bu calismada 2013 yilinda yukleme ya da bosaltma limani Turkiye olan ve Azov-Karadeniz Havzasina hizmet veren limanlar arasindaki… 
In the framework of studies on the development of biotechnical norms of artificial cultivation of anadromous Azov-Black Sea… 
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