[Frankia] sp. CeNS
National Institutes of Health
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25 d'abril de 2017: Jornada de reflexió 19 d'abril de 2017: Inici campanya electoral i vot anticipat (fins el 24 d'abril de 2017…
BackgroundCertain essential and conditionally essential nutrients (CENs) perform functions involved in aerobic exercise…
Results are presented of the first census of the cormorant
Phalacrocorax carbo at winter roost sites in the Balearics, as part…
Sumari: Editorial. Treball a la Moreria. Les revistes Cominells i la Botalaria a internet. Club ciclista Borriol, CD interactius…
La Guatlla Maresa (Crex crex) es un ocell europeu amb problemes de conservacio. Una gran part de les guatlles mareses europees…
Although we have seen progress over the last few decades, women still lag far behind their male counterparts, especially at the…
SummaryBatch cultures ofPseudomonas fluores-cens were grown in minimal medium with olive oil as the sole carbon source. When…