The effect of short-term preoperative ureteral stenting on the outcomes of retrograde intrarenal surgery for renal stones

  title={The effect of short-term preoperative ureteral stenting on the outcomes of retrograde intrarenal surgery for renal stones},
  author={Min Ho Lee and In Jae Lee and Tae Jin Kim and Sang Chul Lee and Chang Wook Jeong and Sung Kyu Hong and Seok-Soo Byun and Jong Jin Oh},
  journal={World Journal of Urology},
Although preoperative ureteral stenting duration has no significant effect on operative outcomes, it is an effective procedure for reducing the rate of intraoperative u reteral balloon dilation and preventing high-grade ureTERal injuries.

The effect of preoperative ureteral stenting in retrograde Intrarenal surgery: a multicenter, propensity score-matched study

Although preoperative ureteral stenting did not affect operative outcomes, it increased the success rate of access sheath placement and can be considered as an adjunctive option when access she Heath insertion is considered during RIRS.

The impact of preoperative ureteral stent duration on retrograde intrarenal surgery results: a RIRSearch group study.

The results suggest that RIRS should be performed within two weeks, ideally 20 days following stent insertion, to minimize postoperative infection risk and establishes a cut-off period to minimize this risk.

Does ureteral access sheath affect the outcomes of retrograde intrarenal surgery: a prospective study

It is shown that similar success and acceptable complication rates can be achieved without using U AS compared to using UAS during RIRS, however, usingUAS may provide an advantage in reducing postoperative pain after RIRs.

Does long preoperative ureteral double J stenting influence the outcomes of retrograde ureteroscopy for ureteral stones? A matched-paired case-control study

Long term preoperative double J stenting does not influence the SFR of retrograde semirigid URS and the complication rate was similar in all three groups, for both febrile syndrome and hematuria.

Pre-stenting for Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery: Need and Duration: a Prospective Randomized Clinical Study

The majority of ureters (67.92%) are distensible, not requiring pre-stenting before retrograde intrarenal surgery, and one and two weeks of pre-Stenting carries a success rate of 93.66% and 100% respectively.

Does coiling of the proximal end of the ureteral stent affect stent-related symptoms?

Better outcomes of post-procedural frequency, urgency, bladder and flank pain were observed in patients in whom coiling was achieved, and those patients reported faster recovery from SRSs.

The study of double-J stent free mode of flexible ureteroscopy and laser lithotripsy: a single centre experience

Flexible Ureteroscopy using double-J stent free mode was found to be safe, feasible and effective in treating renal and upper ureteral calculi and stent-associated complications during follow-up.

Impact of Preoperative Stenting on the Outcome of Flexible Ureterorenoscopy for Upper Urinary Tract Urolithiasis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

POS clearly improves the stone-free rates after fURS and might reduce the complications, especially ureteral injury, which can be useful for urologists during patient counselling for a proper decision-making.

Comparison of the outcomes of retrograde intrarenal surgery performed in upper urinary tract stones of any size at any location using three same-model flexible ureterorenoscopes

  • 2020
This retrospective study included a total of 267 patients that underwent RIRS via three different flexible endoscopes of the same brand between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2017, and all patients were followed up for 3 months postoperatively.

Impact of ureteral stenting prior to ureterorenoscopy on stone-free rates and complications

Stent placement prior to ureteroscopic stone treatment in distal Ureter is not reasonable and does not considerably improve stone-free rates.

Flexible ureteroscopy for renal stone without preoperative ureteral stenting shows good prognosis

Purpose To clarify the outcome of flexible ureteroscopy (fURS) for management of renal calculi without preoperative stenting. Methods A total of 171 patients who received 176 fURS procedures for

Prestenting improves ureteroscopic stone-free rates.

Although routine stent placement is not necessary before all ureteroscopic procedures, it is demonstrated that it is associated with good stone-free rates and few complications.

Percutaneous nephrolithotomy complications in 671 consecutive patients: a single-center experience.

Percutaneous nephrolithotomy has low complication rate in experienced hands, and multiple parameters were evaluated for their association with PCNL complications using Chi-Square test.