MRI and CT Assessment of Abdominal Tissue Composition in Patients After High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Therapy Treatments: One-Year Follow-Up.

  title={MRI and CT Assessment of Abdominal Tissue Composition in Patients After High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Therapy Treatments: One-Year Follow-Up.},
  author={Brian M. Kinney and David E. Kent},
  journal={Aesthetic surgery journal},
The HIFEM-induced muscle hypertrophy, fat reduction, and reduction in abdominal separation were maintained 1-year post-treatment, which suggests long-term durability of the original bodily response, which needs to be verified by continuing follow-up of this group and by further studies.

A Systematic Review of Electromagnetic Treatments for Body Contouring

Electromagnetic treatments, either administered alone or in combination with radiofrequency, are safe, however, the evidence for efficacy is tenuous, and measured treatment effects are very small.

Radiofrequency Heating and High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Treatment Delivered Simultaneously: The First Sham-Controlled Randomized Trial

Active treatment utilizing simultaneous application of radiofrequency and HifEM therapy resulted in a significant increase in rectus abdominis thickness and subcutaneous fat reduction, exceeding previously published results for separate HIFEM and radiofrequency treatments.

The Improvement in Quality of Life and Core Muscle Strength in Elderly Patients by Simultaneous Application of HIFEM with Synchronized Radiofrequency

HIFEM and RF safely and effectively strengthen core muscles after consecutive treatments to the abdomen and pelvis in those over 65, which enhances movement and positively impacts the quality of life.

Shear Wave Elastography for Assessment of Changes in Abdominal Soft Tissues after Lipoabdominoplasty.

Significant changes in the elasticity of the abdominal skin, subcutaneous tissues and muscles were observed after lipoabdominoplasty and Ultrasound elastographic assessment was objective and feasible for evaluating the effect of lipoabdominoplasty on abdominal soft tissue.

High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) Energy With and Without Radiofrequency for Noninvasive Body Contouring: A Systematic Review.

A high-quality systematic review reports on currently published evidence regarding the efficacy and safety of Emsculpt and Emsculation NEO for body contouring and concludes that high- quality level data reporting with patient-reported outcomes will optimize shared decision-making and informed consent.

Activation of Skeletal Muscle Satellite Cells by a Device Simultaneously Applying High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Technology and Novel RF Technology: Fluorescent Microscopy Facilitated Detection of NCAM/CD56

The findings indicate that the simultaneous application of HIFEM and novel Synchrode RF treatment can initiate differentiation of satellite cells to support the growth of existing muscles and, presumably, even the formation of new myofibers.

Commercial and Clinical Experience with HIFEM Device in Facial Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine Practices

Number of performed procedures showed consistent growth over time in both practices and showed high efficacy of the treatments, along with high patient satisfaction, which contributes to the business growth of the practices.

Use of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation for Abdominal and Quadriceps Muscle Strengthening: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Treatment of the abdomen and quadriceps with NMES leads to significant improvements in muscular strength and endurance.

Muscle Stimulation for Aesthetic Body Shaping: A Comprehensive and Critical Review

Electromagnetic muscle stimulation represents an effective therapeutic intervention for abdominal contouring that yields increased muscle thickness, and reduced abdominal fat thickness, for up to 1 year after treatment.

Non-invasive Alternatives for Liposuction

The use of HIFEM, RF and TPE technologies can be a good noninvasive liposuction alternative and shows considerable improvements in skin quality, including diminished skin laxity or cellulite.

Ultrasound Assessment of Subcutaneous Abdominal Fat Thickness After Treatments With a High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Field Device: A Multicenter Study.

Based on the ultrasonographic and photographic observations, the authors conclude that the application of an HIFEM field is an effective option for the noninvasive treatment of subcutaneous fat.

Simultaneous Changes in Abdominal Adipose and Muscle Tissues Following Treatments by High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) Technology-Based Device: Computed Tomography Evaluation

Results suggest that the investigated device is effective for abdominal body sculpting and produced rectus muscle hypertrophy and a reduction in subcutaneous abdominal fat.

Noninvasive Induction of Muscle Fiber Hypertrophy and Hyperplasia: Effects of High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Field Evaluated in an In-Vivo Porcine Model: A Pilot Study

Histopathologic quantification showed significant structural muscle changes through a combination of fiber hypertrophy and hyperplasia in striated porcine muscle tissue following HifEM treatment, suggesting that HIFEM could be used for noninvasive induction of muscle growth.

High Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic Technology (HIFEM) for Non-Invasive Buttock Lifting and Toning of Gluteal Muscles: A Multi-Center Efficacy and Safety Study

The results show that the investigated device safely and effectively improves the aesthetic appearance of buttocks non-invasively and is suitable for patients seeking improvement in tone, shape, lift, and tightness of the buttocks.

High intensity focused electromagnetic therapy evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging: Safety and efficacy study of a dual tissue effect based non‐invasive abdominal body shaping

An initial evaluation of a novel High‐Intensity Focused Electromagnetic technology (HIFEM) is introduced to quantify any effects the treatments may have on abdominal tissues, as well as to establish hypotheses for future research of this technology.

Effects of detraining on muscle strength and mass after high or moderate intensity of resistance training in older adults

Greater declines in muscle strength are observed following HI training but still muscular strength and muscle mass are retained at a higher level than with MI probably due to the higher gains achieved during the training period.

Safety and efficacy of a novel high‐intensity focused electromagnetic technology device for noninvasive abdominal body shaping

Thermal fat reduction technologies are leading the market for nonsurgical abdominal contouring. However, they are ideal principally for patients with fat bulges.

Effects of resistance training and detraining on muscle strength and blood lipid profiles in postmenopausal women

Although 10RM strength decreased after eight weeks of detraining, the results remained significantly elevated from baseline measures, suggesting that a short, low intensity resistance training programme produces substantial improvements in muscle strength.

Detraining and retraining in older adults following long-term muscle power or muscle strength specific training.

The residual effects of power or strength training appear comparable, and both may be suitable exercise modes prior to a period of activity cessation to promote physical independence.

Cervical Branch of Facial Nerve: An Explanation for Recurrent Platysma Bands Following Necklift and Platysmaplasty

Recurrent bands are likely related to persistent innervation of the medial platysma, which remains intact cranial and caudal to any described platysmal transection maneuvers.