Kleene's Logic, Generalized

  title={Kleene's Logic, Generalized},
  author={Melvin Fitting},
  journal={J. Log. Comput.},
Kleene's well-known strong three-valued logic is shown to be one of a family of logics with similar mathematical properties that lend themselves well to semantical constructions based on fixpoint procedures, as in logic programming.

Figures from this paper

Kleene's Three Valued Logics and Their Children

This work introduces a guard connective into Belnap's logic and shows that by using it four-valued analogs of Kleene’s weak three-valued logic, and the asymmetric logic of Lisp are also available.

Natural Deduction for Fitting’s Four-Valued Generalizations of Kleene’s Logics

In this paper, we present sound and complete natural deduction systems for Fitting’s four-valued generalizations of Kleene’s three-valued regular logics.

Natural Deduction for Fitting’s Four-Valued Generalizations of Kleene’s Logics

In this paper, we present sound and complete natural deduction systems for Fitting’s four-valued generalizations of Kleene’s three-valued regular logics.

The logical role of the four-valued bilattice

    O. ArieliA. Avron
    Computer Science, Mathematics
  • 1998
This paper vindicates Belnap's thesis by showing that the logical role that the four-valued structure has among Ginsberg's well-known bilattices is similar to therole that the two-valued algebra has among Boolean algebras.

Reasoning with Logical

This paper develops proof systems, which correspond to bilattices in an essential way, and introduces the notion of logical bilattices, which can be used for eecient inferences from possibly inconsistent data.

Natural implicative expansions of variants of Kleene's strong 3-valued logic with Gödel-type and dual Gödel-type negation

The aim of this paper is to axiomatize the logics determined by all natural implicative expansions of MK3 and MK3 .

Reasoning with logical bilattices

This paper develops proof systems, which correspond to bilattice in an essential way, and introduces the notion of logical bilattices, which can be used for efficient inferences from possibly inconsistent data.

Note on a six-valued extension of three-valued logic

It is proved, by using algebraic properties of the class of De Morgan algebras, that this semantically defined logic can be axiomatized as Belnap's “useful” four-valued logic.

Reasoning with different levels of uncertainty

    O. Arieli
    Computer Science, Mathematics
  • 2003
A family of preferential logics that are useful for handling information with different levels of uncertainty are introduced, and it is shown that the formalisms in this family can be embedded in corresponding four-valued logics with at most three uncertainty levels.

Bilattices in logic programming

    M. Fitting
    Computer Science, Mathematics
  • 1990
The backgrounds of logic programming and bilattices are given, along with fixpoint semantics, and Smullyan-style propositional rules are discussed.

Note on a six-valued extension of three-valued logic

It is proved, by using algebraic properties of the class of De Morgan algebras, that this semantically defined logic can be axiomatized as Belnap's “useful” four-valued logic.

Multivalued logics: a uniform approach to reasoning in artificial intelligence

This paper describes a uniform formalization of much of the current work in artificial intelligence on inference systems. We show that many of these systems, including first‐order theorem provers,

A Useful Four-Valued Logic

It is argued that a sophisticated question-answering machine that has the capability of making inferences from its data base should employ a certain four-valued logic, the motivating consideration

A functional approach to non‐monotonic logic 1

A stronger concept, approachable fixpoints, is introduced and proven to be sufficient for the existence of a derivation of the fixpoint, and the usefulness of the approach is demonstrated by concise proofs for some previously known results about normal default rules.

Bilattices and the theory of truth

Using a four-valued logic makes it possible to work with complete lattices rather than complete semi-lattices, and thus the mathematics is somewhat simplified, and has a wide, natural generalization to the family of interlaced bilattices.

Negation as refutation

    M. Fitting
    Computer Science, Philosophy
  • 1989
A refutation mechanism is introduced into logic programming, dual to the usual proof mechanism; then negation is treated via refutation. A four-valued logic is appropriate for the semantics: true,

Notes on the mathematical aspects of Kripke's theory of truth

    M. Fitting
    Mathematics, Philosophy
  • 1986
Kripke's Theory of Truth is one of the most interesting developments to come along in this area for some time but the mathematical difficulties may have prevented a wider appreciation of its philosophical virtues, so this primarily expository paper largely skip over philosophical motivation.