Uni-Multihist D Ped
National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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A family $$\left\{ U_s\right\} _{s\in S}$$Uss∈S of bounded linear operators in a normed space X is uni-asymptotic, when all its…
A various methodologies like eco product design, recycling, remanufacturing have been proposed for the increase of resource…
This paper is devoted to a stochastic retarded lattice dynamical system with additive white noise. We extend the method of tail…
An adaptive Wiener filter for denoising X-ray CT image has been proposed based on the universal Gaussian mixture distribution…
Today, an increasing number of customers subscribes for a high bandwidth internet access. But not only communication speed is…
We construct oblique multi-wavelets bases which encompass the orthogonal multi-wavelets and the biorthogonal uni-wavelets of…
We construct oblique multi-wavelets bases which encompass the orthogonal multi-wavelets and the biorthogonal uni-wavelets of…
The modulation of glomerular atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) receptors (ANF-R1 and ANF-R2) was examined in rats after unilateral…
When I saac Bashevis S i nger was awarded the Nobel Pri ze for l i terature i n 1978, he was sti l l largely an unknown arti st…
Conditions prevalent in California during the growing season are propitious for the study of the effect of varying soil-moisture…