Polynucleobacter sp. TSB-UntererDAM-5-76
National Institutes of Health
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Fujitsu Semiconductor has developed a Mobacas (mobile multimedia broadcasting)-compatible tuner module conforming to the…
+1Morimoto, Y; 1Yoshida, A; 2Murakami, S; 1Tsuji, H; 3Yoshitaka, T; 1Ozaki, T +1Science of Functional Recovery and Reconstruction…
The immunogenicity of Edwardsiella tarda was surveyed under two different culture conditions. In SDS-PAGE patterns of the outer…
A benchmark contamination rate for prefilled syringe compounding was determined by using a medium-fill-simulation method. One…
Gagasan periodisasi karya seni, tennasuk kctoprak, dapat dilcngkapi dengan konsep "arus dalam" (inner circle) karcna arus-arus…