Parnara amalia
National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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Introduction: Hypertension is the main risk factor for cardiovascular disease. There are many developed antihypertension drugs…
The Radboudumc Amalia Children's hospital in the Netherlands has a programme for renal transplantation in children aged ≤4 years…
There has been long historical interest in digital preservation of morphological features of biological materials, especially…
BackgroundWorldwide, coastal communities’ ethnomedicinal knowledge has been sporadically recorded and poorly understood. Based on…
RIZKI AMALIA THOIF. Formulation of brown rice (Oryza nivara) and black glutinous rice (Oryza sativa glutinosa) flour substitution…
The liver is the most common and critical site for the development of colon cancer metastases. Tumor angiogenesis in liver…
While motion verbs in some languages display selectional restrictions for their spatial complements, motion verbs in other…
Dough mixing properties, which are important in determining wheat processing and end-use quality, are known to be influenced by…
Haptic interactions add new challenges to multi-modal systems. With the MIAMM project we develop new concepts and techniques to…
In this paper, motivations are presented to argue in favor of the affixal status of Romanian pronominal clitics. It will be…