National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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Plumbum merupakan salah satu logam berat yang dapat menyebabkan efek toksik bagi tubuh. Plumbum dikategorikan dalam senyawa…
Timbal atau Plumbum (Pb) bersifat toksik, karsinogenik, bioakumulator dan biomagnifikasi. Bioakumulasi Timbal dari media…
Self-assembly of pyridine-2, 6-dicarboxylato dianion (dipic)2- and plumbous nitrate affords a coordination polymer of [Pb(dipic…
Penelitian tentang Pengaruh Pemberian Logam Berat Plumbum (Pb) dalam Air minum terhadap Konsentrasi Kalsium (Ca) dan Besi (Fe…
A central question in a criminal forensic investigation involved a hole (later termed a “defect”) observed in a garment and…
This research was aimed to determine composition of composite membrane from PbS as electroactive, , PVC as matrix and DBP as…
The entrance of lead into human bodies may have such impacts as those on hemopoietic and cardiovascular systems. Lead may shorten…
The phenomenon of four-ray refraction and dispersion in crystals plumbum molibdate (PbMoO4) was considered. Results of…
Erni Setyawati. J. 201 95 1250. Kandungan Plumbum (Pb) pada air limbah domestik dan daging ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus…