Ivan Pavlov
National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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The Notch pathway plays an important role in the growth of high-grade serous ovarian (HGS-OvCa) and other cancers, but its…
Cole crops (Brassica vegetables) can pose a significant risk for N losses during the post-harvest period due to substantial…
Many genomic alterations associated to human diseases localize in non-coding regulatory elements located far from the promoters…
Violence is an important social problem. Violence in the community has important social relevance for the political, criminal…
This paper examines the effects of demographic structure on the evolution of inequality in Italy from 1977 to 1995, and on its…
Elsa LINGUANTI: Acknowledgements. Introduction. Tommaso SCARANO: Notes on Spanish-American Magical Realism. Carmen CONCILIO: The…
There is widespread agreement that American public schools perform poorly. Many proposed policy responses—charter schools and…
book are more useful but I am surprised by Yamada et al on bilateral stimulation for the fact that a table is produced showing…