Bacillus sp. MTK 1
National Institutes of Health
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istimewa di lingkungan masyarakat karena mereka…
Bu araĢtirmanin amaci, PISA 2003 ve PISA 2012 matematik okuryazarligitestindeki maddelerin cinsiyet, madde formati ve madde konu…
The Phase-III Macro System is a flexible, data independent and parameter controlled set of SAS macros. Module size is kept small…
The pactum de non cedendo: A re-evaluation KD Sunkel LLM Thesis, Department of Private Law, University of the Western Cape…
This paper presents the LDPC decoder chip for (1944,972) QC-LDPC codes in IEEE 802.11n communication system. The efficient LDPC…
This paper presents the LDPC decoder chip for (1944,972) QC-LDPC codes in IEEE 802.11n communication system. The efficient LDPC…
Policja zatrzymala kolejną osobe w związku z ubiegloroczną katastrofą w hali Miedzynarodowych Targow Katowickich. Chodzi o 51…
シロネズミの腹水腫瘍 MTK-IV における分葉核細胞について調査した. その出現頻度は移植世代や移植一世代間の時期によつて幾分異るが, 20~30…