National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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Abstract Eupsophus migueli is considered a microendemic endangered species inhabiting the temperate Nothofagus forests of the…
We report the sequencing and compare the mitochondrial genomes of the South American ground frogs Eupsophus vertebralis and E…
Two frog species of the genus AlsodesBell, 1843 are currently found in the Nahuelbuta Range (southern Chile): A. barrioiVeloso…
Limnomedusa e um genero monoespecifico distribuido pelo sul do Brasil, Uruguai e partes da Argentina e Paraguai. L. macroglossa e…
Based on morphological and molecular evidence (mitochondrial and nuclear sequences) we describe a new species of spiny-chest frog…
Alsodes tumultuosus Veloso, Iturra & Galleguillos, 1979 is an amphibian species endemic to Chile, described and known just from…
Los estudios relacionados con la composicion dietaria de los anuros presentes en Chile son un campo escasamente explorado y que…
espanolEn este trabajo se reportan dos nuevas localidades para la rana de pecho espinoso de Cordillera Pelada, Alsodes…
1. By D.C. Blackburn & D.B. Wake (for full contact details, see the list after References). The title of this contribution should…