Understanding the Approach for Auditing of Cloud Computing System
@article{Chen2010UnderstandingTA, title={Understanding the Approach for Auditing of Cloud Computing System}, author={Jian Chen and Wenrong Jiang and Jihong Yan}, journal={2010 Second International Conference on Information Technology and Computer Science}, year={2010}, pages={581-583}, url={https://api.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:43598457} }
This paper addresses the potential threats and provides the areas which need to be carefully audited in cloud computing and how to deal with them.
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2 Citations
A novel cloud auditor based trust management framework for cloud computing
- 2016
Computer Science
The proposed framework evaluates trustworthiness of service providers by evaluating compliance between monitored Quality of Service QoS parameters and QoS agreed in Service Level Agreement SLA and can be employed in real cloud environment to establish trust.
Improved TOPSIS Method Based Trust Evaluation Framework for Determining Trustworthiness of Cloud Service Providers
- 2016
Computer Science
From the experimental results, it is clear that the proposed framework can be used in real cloud environments to determine the trustworthiness of service providers by employing the real time monitoring of their services.
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