Sociodemographic and disease-related factors are associated with patient-reported anxiety and depression in spondyloarthritis patients in the Swedish SpAScania cohort

  title={Sociodemographic and disease-related factors are associated with patient-reported anxiety and depression in spondyloarthritis patients in the Swedish SpAScania cohort},
  author={Jorit J L Meesters and Ingemar F Petersson and Stefan Bergman and Emma Haglund and Lennart T H Jacobsson and Ann Bremander},
  journal={Clinical Rheumatology},
Associations with anxiety and/or depression appear multifactorial in patients with SpA including both personal and disease-related factors and should be screened for in clinical practice with instruments like the HADS.

Gender differences in factors associated with low quality of life and depression in Korean patients with ankylosing spondylitis

Both disease-related factors and contextual factors were associated with depression, and predictors showed some differences between genders, and AS patients with high disease activity are likely to be suffering from low HRQoL.

Impact of axial spondyloarthritis on mental health in Europe: results from the EMAS study

Compared with the general population, patients with axSpA show disproportionately worse mental health associated mainly with disease activity and employment status.

Association of anxiety, depression and resilience with overall health and functioning in axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA): a cross-sectional study

Anxiety and depression, but not resilience, were associated with poorer health and functioning, and Clinicians could consider routinely screening for anxiety and depression in their patients, especially in patients with more severe symptoms.

Depression in ankylosing spondylitis and the role of disease-related and contextual factors: a cross-sectional study

Both contextual and disease-related factors are associated with depressive symptoms in AS and mastery, the extent to which one feels in control over life and disease, has a key role in this process.

Influence of psychological status on back pain and clinical assessments in Chinese ankylosing spondylitis patients : a cross-sectional study

Anxiety and depression have a considerable effect on back pain and self-reported clinical assessments in Chinese ankylosing spondylitis patients.

Depression in Psoriatic Arthritis: Dimensional Aspects and Link with Systemic Inflammation

The relation between inflammation and different dimensions of depression in patients with PsA is described and a feasible screening method for depression is set out.

Correlates of physical activity in adults with spondyloarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic review

Physical and psychological factors are most consistently related with PA parameters in those living with RA and SpA and studies with prospective designs are needed to further understand the factors associated with PA in these populations.

Systematic review of mental health comorbidities in psoriatic arthritis

Anxiety and depression are highly prevalent among PsA patients and more research is needed on other mental health comorbidities, particularly sleep, suicide/self-harm and substance misuse.

Prevalence of chronic widespread pain in a population-based cohort of patients with spondyloarthritis – a cross-sectional study

The prevalence of chronic widespread pain in patients with AS and USpA is high, and with a female predominance, but with no difference in pain intensity between women and men, highlighting the need for a thorough clinical examination and an accurate pain analysis to individualize non-pharmacological and pharmacological treatment decisions.

Relationship between psychological status and disease activity and quality of life in ankylosing spondylitis

The psychological status had close interaction with disease activity and quality of life in patients with ankylosing spondylitis and patients with high risk for depression and anxiety had higher scores in BASDAI, BASFI and also poorer scores in VAS pain, patient global assessment, physicianglobal assessment, HAQ-S and ASQoL.

Psychological Status in Moroccan Patients With Ankylosing Spondylitis and Its Relationships With Disease Parameters and Quality of Life

This study suggests that depression and anxiety are frequent in ankylosing spondylitis and assessment and management of patients with AS should take into account the evaluation andmanagement of their psychological disorders and improvement of their functional disability.

Disease and psychological status in ankylosing spondylitis.

Disease status scores in AS correlated significantly with anxiety, depression, internality and health status, and Interpretation of AS disease scores should take an account of psychological status and the choice of measures used.

Work productivity in a population-based cohort of patients with spondyloarthritis.

Worse quality of life, disease activity, physical function, self-efficacy and depression were all associated with reduced productivity at work in patients with SpA, and work productivity was reduced in women.

Impact of ankylosing spondylitis on work in patients across the UK

Depression, in particular, appears to be associated with employment, absenteeism, and presenteeism and should therefore be prioritized in clinical practice.

Impact of functional impairment in ankylosing spondylitis: impairment, activity limitation, and participation restrictions.

Activity limitations and participation restrictions reported by patients were only partly explained by the impairment variables, and disease activity and reduced mobility seemed to result in more activity/participation restrictions in female than in male patients.

Prevalence of spondyloarthritis and its subtypes in southern Sweden

In Sweden the prevalence of spondyloarthritis leading to a doctor consultation is not much lower than rheumatoid arthritis, and the two most frequent subtypes PsA and AS also display some distinct sex patterns.

Prevalence of patient-reported comorbidities in early and established psoriatic arthritis cohorts

Patients with early and established PsA had significantly higher age- and gender-adjusted prevalence of hypertension, diabetes, depression, Crohn's disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and the age- adjusted prevalence of coronary heart disease and angina was significantly higher when compared to the general population.