Random Mixture of the Ising Magnets in a Magnetic Field: Quenched Site and Bond Problems

  title={Random Mixture of the Ising Magnets in a Magnetic Field: Quenched Site and Bond Problems},
  author={Shigetoshi Katsura},
  journal={Progress of Theoretical Physics},
  • S. Katsura
  • Published 1 April 1976
  • Physics
  • Progress of Theoretical Physics
(1974), 120] to obtain the specific heat and the susceptibility of the random mixture of magnets, is applied for the low·field expansion of the free energy and the magnetization. The quartic terms of the free energies of the linear chain and of the infinite Bethe lattice for the site and the bond problems are obtained. The exact solution of the infinite Bethe lattice is equivalent to the Bethe approximation of the ordinary lattices. A divergence of the quartic term of the free energy of the… 
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