Lifestyle Intervention Using an Internet-Based Curriculum with Cell Phone Reminders for Obese Chinese Teens: A Randomized Controlled Study

  title={Lifestyle Intervention Using an Internet-Based Curriculum with Cell Phone Reminders for Obese Chinese Teens: A Randomized Controlled Study},
  author={Anisha A Abraham and Wing-Chi Chow and Hung-Kwan So and Benjamin Hon-Kei Yip and Albert M Li and Shekhar Madhukar Kumta and Jean Woo and Suk-Mei Chan and Esther Yuet Ying Lau and E Anthony S Nelson},
  journal={PLoS ONE},
The use of the internet-based curriculum with cell phone reminders as a supplement to usual care of obesity is feasible and can be both an effective and a cost-effective adjunct to changing weight in obese youth.

Figures and Tables from this paper

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