Issues in Differential Diagnosis: Phobias and Phobic Conditions
@inproceedings{Crozier2011IssuesID, title={Issues in Differential Diagnosis: Phobias and Phobic Conditions}, author={Marjorie Crozier and Seth J. Gillihan and Mark B. Powers}, year={2011}, url={} }
The purpose of this chapter is to summarize the current status of research with respect to the clinical features, course, and prognosis of specific phobia, social phobia, panic disorder, and…
14 Citations
- 2020
This study concluded that hypnotherapy was effective in reducing phobia symptoms with 2 therapy sessions in 4 meetings with a characteristic age of 22 years.
A Curious Case of Flower Phobia: Anthophobia
- 2018
Correspondence : Dr. Desiree Saimbi, Department of Psychiatry, St. Stephens Hospital, New Delhi. Mob : 7354547713. Email: Fears, anxieties and specific phobias are classified as…
Divergent presentation of anxiety in high-risk groups within the intellectual disability population
- 2022
Psychology, Medicine
Clinicians should be aware of the risk and difficulties involved in assessment of anxiety in individuals with ID, including atypical types, to ensure these individuals do not “miss” diagnoses and support in general clinical practice.
Blood Injury and Injection Phobia: The Neglected One
- 2014
Medicine, Psychology
The prevalence of BII phobia and associated fainting in females was slightly more than double in the males with a significant gender related effect while a low rate of obsessive compulsion disorder (OCD) and social anxiety disorder (SAD) was reported.
Multiple informant agreement on the anxiety disorders interview schedule in youth with autism spectrum disorders.
- 2012
Psychology, Medicine
It is suggested that parent and youth agreement regarding the presence of clinical levels of anxiety is markedly poor among youth with ASD, and clinicians are likely to base their diagnostic impressions on parent report, placing minimal emphasis on child report.
Social anxiety among adolescents and its relation to quality of life
- 2014
The aim of this study was to investigate the level of self-reported social anxiety in a community sample of Saudi adolescents and the relationship between social anxiety quality of life, and some…
Moderators of Impairment Agreement among Parent–child Dyads in Pediatric Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- 2015
Inter-rater agreement for symptom impairment associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) varies between parents and children. However, extraneous variables that may influence these agreement…
Moderators of Impairment Agreement among Parent–child Dyads in Pediatric Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- 2014
Inter-rater agreement for symptom impairment associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) varies between parents and children. However, extraneous variables that may influence these agreement…
The Determinants of Social Anxiety in Lower Secondary Education Student Athletes: A Case of Competitive Swimming Environment
- 2020
Education, Psychology
The findings suggest that participation in competitive swimming during adolescence is effective in controlling social anxiety, and that social anxiety is not associated with lower secondary education student-athlete swimmers’ anthropometric measurements, body composition, or body type.
93 References
The phenomenology of panic disorder in youngsters: an empirical study of a clinical sample.
- 1997
Fears and Phobias in Children: Phenomenology, Epidemiology, and Aetiology
- 2002
It is suggested that specific phobias are multiply determined and over-determined and treatment approaches will need to address these multiple dimensions before evidence-based treatments can be fully realised.
Specificity in familial aggregation of phobic disorders.
- 1995
These results support a specific familial contribution to each of the three phobia types, but conclusions are limited to cases occurring without lifetime anxiety comorbidity and do not imply homogeneity within categories.
Handbook of child psychiatric diagnosis
- 1989
Psychology, Medicine
An historical perspective on views of child psychopathology validating diagnostic categories and future directions in child pyschiatric diagnosis is presented.
Anxiety disorders of childhood and adolescence: a critical review.
- 1991
This review examines the anxiety disorders of childhood and adolescence (separation anxiety disorder, overanxious disorder, and avoidant disorder), including prevalence rates, demographic profiles, comparisons of clinical presentations in different developmental age groups, and comorbidity patterns.
Separation anxiety and school phobia: a comparison using DSM-III criteria.
- 1987
Children with separation anxiety disorder were less likely to exhibit school refusal than children with school phobia, however, they were more likely to meet criteria for an additional DSM-III diagnosis and their mothers had a rate of affective disorders four times greater than that of mothers of children withSchool phobia.
DSM-III-R anxiety disorders in children: sociodemographic and clinical characteristics.
- 1992
This study investigated the characteristics of each of the specific DSM-III-R anxiety disorders in a clinic sample of 188 anxiety disordered children, finding findings are discussed in light of the contemporary literature on childhood anxiety disorders.