Health Care Customer Value Cocreation Practice Styles

  title={Health Care Customer Value Cocreation Practice Styles},
  author={Janet R. Mccoll-Kennedy and Stephen Louis Vargo and Tracey S. Dagger and Jillian C. Sweeney and Yasmin F. van Kasteren},
  journal={Journal of Service Research},
  pages={370 - 389},
What health care customers actually do when they cocreate value is explored in-depth and a health care Customer Value Cocreation Practice Styles (CVCPS) typology is provided, demonstrating its usefulness to quality of life and its potential application to other health care settings.

Figures and Tables from this paper

Customer value cocreation activities

A typology of customer value cocreation activities is suggested and key psychological factors underlying the customers’ motivation to be active resource integrators and resulting in physical, psychological, existential and social well-being are identified.

Does well-being differ across customer value cocreation practice styles? An empirical study in a chronic health context

The study advances the understanding of customer value cocreation and its link to well-being by empirically deriving five distinct practice styles and demonstrating how they differ across meaningful well- Being and satisfaction dimensions.

Cocreation Culture in Health Care Organizations

This research conceptualizes organizational culture from a service-dominant perspective and provides a framework for a cocreation culture type that is underpinned by organizational values of mutual respect, empowerment, and mutual trust.

Customer Effort in Value Cocreation Activities

This article explores customer value cocreation in health care, identifying a hierarchy of activities representing varying levels of customer effort from complying with basic requirements to extensive decision making, and demonstrating the transformative potential of customer EVCA.

Facilitating transformative change in medication adherence practices

Four adoption styles were uncovered, in which two in particular, ‘door opener’ and ‘transformative change’ should be emphasized by healthcare managers and developers as they tend to be associated with higher well-being.

The changing role of the health care customer: review, synthesis and research agenda

This study identifies how the role of the health care customer is changing and highlights effects of the changing role across the practice approaches, and proposes a research agenda to guide future health care service research.

Customers’ value co-creation with healthcare service network partners

This is the first study to show that when customers’ level of involvement is high, such as in healthcare services, their value-creating activities when interacting with medical staff, companions and other patients positively affect perceived service quality and satisfaction.

Organizational practices to co-create value with family members engaged in service journeys of their loved ones

PurposeThe aim of this research is to provide insight into how organizations can co-create value with family members engaged in service journeys of customers experiencing vulnerabilities, thereby

Managing Customer Resource Endowments and Deficiencies for Value Cocreation: Complex Relational Services

The resources that customers have and are able to contribute or utilize may influence, shape, and determine the support that they receive from service providers. Yet, there is limited knowledge on

Models of consumer value cocreation in health care

A theoretical framework is offered that informs on the potential impact of the different models of consumer value cocreation on important organizational variables such as innovation cost and time, service quality, and consumer perceptions of HCO.

Customer empowerment and relationship outcomes in healthcare consultations

This study explores whether empowering patient‐physician consultations measured through three patient empowerment dimensions (patient control, patient participation, physician support) enhance patients trust in and commitment to their physician.

How Brand Community Practices Create Value

Using social practice theory, this article reveals the process of collective value creation within brand communities. Moving beyond a single case study, the authors examine previously published

Service Quality Attribute Weights

Service experiences often unfold over a series of consumption episodes, yet customer perceptions of these experiences are often treated as static events. This prevents a good understanding of the

Gaining Compliance and Losing Weight: The Role of the Service Provider in Health Care Services

It is demonstrated that compliance leads to goal attainment, which results in satisfaction, and consumers who comply with program requirements have greater satisfaction with the program.

A customer‐dominant logic of service

Purpose – The paper seeks to introduce to a new perspective on the roles of customers and companies in creating value by outlining a customer‐based approach to service. The customer's logic is

Co-creation experiences: The next practice in value creation

Consumers today have more choices of products and services than ever before, but they seem dissatisfied. Firms invest in greater product variety but are less able to differentiate themselves. Growth

Managing the co-creation of value

Central to service-dominant (S-D) logic is the proposition that the customer becomes a co-creator of value. This emphasizes the development of customer–supplier relationships through interaction and

Building Brand Community

A brand community from a customer-experiential perspective is a fabric of relationships in which the customer is situated. Crucial relationships include those between the customer and the brand,