Distributing streaming media content using cooperative networking

  title={Distributing streaming media content using cooperative networking},
  author={Venkata N. Padmanabhan and Helen J. Wang and Philip A. Chou and Kunwadee Sripanidkulchai},
  booktitle={International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video},
This work considers the problem that arises when the server is overwhelmed by the volume of requests from its clients, and proposes Cooperative Networking (CoopNet), where clients cooperate to distribute content, thereby alleviating the load on the server.

Distributed Multimedia Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks

A sophisticated scheduling scheme is presented for the transmission scheduling of the media data for a multi-source streaming session, which results in minimum buffering delay, and a mechanism accelerating the speed at which the system’s streaming capacity increases.

A Scalable Live Streaming Media Distribution Service for Peer-to- Peer Network

The approach is that the P2P network combining tree with clusters is designed, and some super-peers are reserved in all clusters, and the maximum accepted connection number of each super-peer and its average disposing delay is adopted to select the optimal father peer.

Coping with Unreliable Peers for Hybrid Peer-to-Peer Media Streaming

The proposed architecture combines peer-to-peer system and centralized server to exploit advantages of the two models and shows how to assign streaming load to a subset of supplying peers, while considering unreliable performance of each peers.

Multicasting streaming media to mobile users

A set of protocols and technologies that offer multicast-based services for streaming multimedia in a mobile environment are surveyed and some of the issues related to mobile content distribution in the wireless Internet that may be helpful during its deployment by application service providers are brought forth.

Layered peer-to-peer streaming

The proposed peer-to-peer streaming solution to address the on-demand media distribution problem is efficient at utilizing bandwidth resource of supplying peers, scalable at saving server bandwidth consumption, and optimal at maximizing streaming qualities of all peers.

On-demand media streaming over the Internet

The potential of the P2P model as an infrastructure for a large-scale on-demand media streaming service through an extensive simulation study on large, Internet-like, topologies is demonstrated.

Comparison between Centralized & Decentralized Overlay Networks for Media Streaming

The experimental results indicate that the performance of Multiple Description Coding-based media streaming in case of P2P network is better than CDN.

Low Latency Video Streaming Over Peer-To-Peer Networks

A distributed streaming protocol which builds and maintains multiple multicast trees and is combined with an adaptive scheduling algorithm which ensures packets destined to a large number of peers, or particularly important to decode the video, are sent in priority.

Scalable media streaming in large peer-to-peer networks

This paper designs a peer-to-peer technique for single-source media streaming that handles gracefully requiring a constant amortized control overhead and can be done regionally with little impact on the existing clients.

A Hybrid Peer-to-Peer Media Streaming

The results show that the performance of the proposed system is much better than that of existing streaming system in numerous streaming performance metrics.

Streaming Live Media over a Peer-to-Peer Network

This work proposes a basic peering infrastructure layer for streaming applications, which uses a redirect primitive to meet the challenge successfully and shows that SpreadIt provides a good quality of service, which degrades gracefully with increasing number of clients.

The Case for Cooperative Networking

An evaluation of the CoopNet approach is presented using simulations driven by traffic traces gathered at the MSNBC website during the flash crowd that occurred on September 11, 2001.

Distributed video streaming over Internet

This paper proposes a receiver-driven transport protocol to coordinate simultaneous transmissions of video from multiple senders to achieve higher throughput, and to increase tolerance to packet loss and delay due to network congestion.

Bayeux: an architecture for scalable and fault-tolerant wide-area data dissemination

The proposed Bayeux, an efficient application-level multicast system that scales to arbitrarily large receiver groups while tolerating failures in routers and network links, leverages the architecture of Tapestry, a fault-tolerant, wide-area overlay routing and location network.

SCRIBE: The Design of a Large-Scale Event Notification Infrastructure

Scribe is built on top of Pastry, a generic peer-to-peer object location and routing substrate overlayed on the Internet, and leverages Pastry's reliability, self-organization and locality properties.

Enabling conferencing applications on the internet using an overlay muilticast architecture

An extensive evaluation study of schemes for constructing overlay networks on a wide-area test-bed of about twenty hosts distributed around the Internet shows that it is important to adapt to both latency and bandwidth while constructing overlays optimized for conferencing applications.

Chord: A scalable peer-to-peer lookup service for internet applications

Results from theoretical analysis, simulations, and experiments show that Chord is scalable, with communication cost and the state maintained by each node scaling logarithmically with the number of Chord nodes.

On network-aware clustering of Web clients

Clusters---a grouping of clients that are close together topologically and likely to be under common administrative control are introduced, using a ``network-aware" method, based on information available from BGP routing table snapshots.

ALMI: An Application Level Multicast Infrastructure

Using simulation, it is shown that the performance penalties introduced by the shift of multicast to end systems are a relatively small increase in traffic load and that ALMI multicast trees approach the efficiency of IP multicasts trees.

Priority encoding transmission

A novel approach for sending messages over lossy packet-based networks that allows a user to specify a different priority on each segment of the message, and an information-theoretic proof that there is no system that implements a set of priorities with rate greater than one.