Convergence of signaling pathways underlying habenular formation and axonal outgrowth in zebrafish

  title={Convergence of signaling pathways underlying habenular formation and axonal outgrowth in zebrafish},
  author={Sara Roberson and Marnie E. Halpern},
  pages={2652 - 2662},
A signaling network underlying the generation of dHb neurons and posteriorly directed outgrowth of their axons are regulated by Shh, Wnt, Fgf, and chemokine signaling pathways in zebrafish.

Figures and Tables from this paper

Three Dimensional Multi-gene Expression Maps Reveal Cell Fate Changes Associated with Laterality Reversal of Zebrafish Habenula

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Cachd1 is a novel Frizzled- and LRP6-interacting protein required for neurons to acquire left-right asymmetric character

Structural studies identify Cachd1 as a conserved novel Wnt-receptor interacting protein with roles in regulating neurogenesis and neuronal identity and an in vivo role in modulating Wnt pathway activity in the brain.

Subpopulations of hypocretin/orexin neurons differ in measures of their cell proliferation, dynorphin co-expression, projections, and response to embryonic ethanol exposure

Differences between the Hcrt subpopulations suggest they are functionally distinct in their regulation of behavior, and specific factors that may determine the differential sensitivity to EtOH are performed.

Utility of the Zebrafish Model for Studying Neuronal and Behavioral Disturbances Induced by Embryonic Exposure to Alcohol, Nicotine, and Cannabis

The zebrafish model has great potential for providing important information regarding the development of novel and efficacious therapies for ameliorating the effects of early drug exposure, including neuropeptides known to promote drug-related behaviors.

Inflammation and Limb Regeneration: The Role of the Chemokines

This review focuses on the relationship among chemokines and immune cells and regenerative ability during limb regeneration, demonstrates the important contribution ofChemokines in limb regeneration of salamander and explores the therapeutic potential of targeting chemokine as a new method to improve tissue regeneration.

Habenular Neurogenesis in Zebrafish Is Regulated by a Hedgehog, Pax6 Proneural Gene Cascade

It is shown that habenular neurogenesis requires the homeobox transcription factor Pax6a and the redundant action of two proneural bHLH factors, Neurog1 and Neurod4, and evidence is presented that Hedgehog signalling is required for the expression of pax6a, which is in turn necessary for theexpression of neurog 1 and neurod4.

Pax6 regulates the formation of the habenular nuclei by controlling the temporospatial expression of Shh in the diencephalon in vertebrates

Pax6 has an evolutionarily conserved function in establishing the temporospatial expression of Shh in the MDO in vertebrates and mediates Pax6 function in regulating the partition of the p2 domain into the epithalamus and thalamus.

A role for MKP3 in axial patterning of the zebrafish embryo

G Gain- and loss-of-function studies reveal that MKP3 is required to limit the extent of FGF/RAS/MAPK signaling in the early embryo, and that disturbing this inhibitory pathway disrupts dorsoventral patterning at the onset of gastrulation.

Cxcl12/Cxcr4 chemokine signaling is required for placode assembly and sensory axon pathfinding in the zebrafish olfactory system

Data indicate that chemokine signaling contributes to both the olfactory placode assembly and the OSN axon pathfinding in zebrafish.

Chemokine Signaling Guides Axons within the Retina in Zebrafish

Analysis of zebrafish embryos showed that SDF-1/CXCR4 signaling was important for guiding retinal ganglion cell axons within the retina to the optic stalk to exit the retina, and data suggest that chemokine signaling is both necessary and sufficient for directing retinal growth coneswithin the retina.

Neurotransmitter map of the asymmetric dorsal habenular nuclei of zebrafish

This study generates a comprehensive map of the zebrafish dorsal habenular nuclei by delineating the relationship between gene expression domains, comparing the extent of left–right asymmetry at larval and adult stages, and identifying potentially functional subnuclear regions as defined by neurotransmitter phenotype.

Regulation and function of Dbx genes in the zebrafish spinal cord

It is confirmed that the dbx1a/1b/2 domain in zebrafish spinal cord development behaves similarly to amniotes, while extending knowledge of Dbx1 function in spinal cord patterning.

Directional asymmetry of the zebrafish epithalamus guides dorsoventral innervation of the midbrain target

The results demonstrate that laterality of the dorsal forebrain influences the formation of midbrain connections and their molecular properties, providing additional evidence that left and right axons terminate within different dorsoventral regions of the midbrain target.