Control and effect of dissolved air in water during flow boiling in microchannels
@article{Steinke2004ControlAE, title={Control and effect of dissolved air in water during flow boiling in microchannels}, author={Mark E. Steinke and Satish G. Kandlikar}, journal={International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer}, year={2004}, volume={47}, pages={1925-1935}, url={} }
107 Citations
Effects of Dissolved Air on Subcooled Flow Boiling of a Dielectric Coolant in a Microchannel Heat Sink
- 2005
Engineering, Environmental Science
The effects of dissolved air in the dielectric liquid FC-77 on flow boiling in a microchannel heat sink containing 10 parallel channels, each 500 μm wide and 2.5 mm deep, were experimentally…
An Experimental Investigation of Flow Boiling Characteristics of Water in Parallel Microchannels
- 2004
Engineering, Physics
Microchannels are being considered in many advanced heat transfer applications including automotive and stationary fuel cells as well as electronics cooling. However, there are a number of…
Experimental investigation of vapor bubble growth during flow boiling in a microchannel
- 2011
Engineering, Physics
Local Heat Transfer of Saturated Flow Boiling in Vertical Narrow Microchannel
- 2020
Engineering, Materials Science
Stabilization of Flow Boiling in Microchannels Using Pressure Drop Elements and Fabricated Nucleation Sites
- 2006
The flow boiling process suffers from severe instabilities induced due to nucleation of vapor bubbles in a superheated liquid environment in a minichannel or a microchannel. In an effort to improve…
Subcooled flow boiling on hydrophilic and super-hydrophilic surfaces in microchannel under different orientations
- 2019
Engineering, Materials Science
Experimental study of flow patterns, heat transfer, pressure drop and gravitational orientation during flow boiling in minichannels
- 2004
Engineering, Physics
Microchannels andMinichannels are being used in electronic cooling, fuel cells, automotive heat exchangers, micro refrigeration systems . They are also being considered for high heat flux…
Flow Boiling Dynamics of Water and Nanofluids in a Single Microchannel at Different Heat Fluxes
- 2013
Engineering, Materials Science
The preferable cooling solution for micro-electronic systems could be forced flow boiling in micro heat exchangers. Nanoparticle deposition affects nucleate boiling via alteration of surface…
19 References
Enhancement of liquid forced convection heat transfer in microchannels due to the release of dissolved noncondensables
- 1999
Engineering, Materials Science
Effects of Dissolved Gas Content on Pool Boiling of a Highly Wetting Fluid
- 1995
Engineering, Physics
Experimental results on pool boiling heat transfer from a horizontal cylinder in an electronic cooling fluid (FC-72) are presented. The effects on the boiling curve of having air dissolved in the…
Influence of gases dissolved in cooling water on heat transfer during stable film boiling
- 1996
Engineering, Materials Science
Results of investigations concerning the determination of the influence of the water quality on the heat transfer of quenched hot metal surfaces are presented. With an immersion quenching device,…
An Investigation of Local Degassing Effects on Heat Transfer During Gas-Saturated Boiling From a Small Cylinder
- 1999
Engineering, Physics
Boiling heat transfer from a 50-μm-diameter wire immersed in FC-72 is examined. Effects of pressure, subcooling, and dissolved gas concentration on nucleate boiling heat transfer and critical heat…
Effect of Pressure, Subcooling, and Dissolved Gas on Pool Boiling Heat Transfer From Microporous Surfaces in FC-72
- 2003
Engineering, Materials Science
The present research is an experimental study of the effects of pressure, subcooling, and non-condensable gas (air) on the pool nucleate boiling heat transfer performance of a microporous enhanced…
Evolution of microchannel flow passages – Thermohydraulic performance and fabrication technology
- 2002
Engineering, Materials Science
This paper provides a roadmap of development in the thermal and fabrication aspects of microchannels as applied in the microelectronics and other high heat-flux cooling applications. Microchannels…
The effect of dissolved gas bubble nucleation on natural convection heat transfer in narrow channels
- 1994
Engineering, Environmental Science
Research reactors present a different set of operating conditions than do light water (power) reactors (LWRs). Thermal-hydraulic transient/safety codes, such as the Reactor Loss of Coolant Analyses…
Effect of pressure, subcooling, and dissolved gas on pool boiling heat transfer from microporous, square pin-finned surfaces in FC-72
- 2003
Engineering, Materials Science
Gas-saturated pool boiling heat transfer from smooth and micro-porous surfaces in FC-72
- 1995
Engineering, Materials Science
The effects of surface treatments and gassy-subcooling on pool boiling heat transfer are quantified by testing both smooth and treated surfaces at gassy-subcooling levels from 0°C to 40°C (1 atm) and…