• Corpus ID: 40574187

A Theory of Therapy , Personality , and Interpersonal Relationships , as Developed in the Client-centered Framework

  title={A Theory of Therapy , Personality , and Interpersonal Relationships , as Developed in the Client-centered Framework},
  author={Carl Ransom Rogers},

Musical recovery: the role of group singing in regaining healthy relationships with music to promote mental health recovery

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Being and doing in relationship : person-centred counselling students' experiences during their training

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La perception du soutien conditionnel parental et enseignant : évolution et liens avec la perception de compétence scolaire lors de la transition entre le primaire et le secondaire

Cette these a pour objet l’etude de la perception par les enfants du soutien conditionnel parental et enseignant, defini comme un soutien vu comme dependant de l’atteinte des exigences fixees par ces

Satisfaction with Life: Examining the Impact of Character Strengths among Young People

Research has shown that the disease model of child development has not led to the prevention of antisocial behaviour or psychological disorders in youth. Recent findings have shown that the positive

Toward a theory of motivational interviewing.

An emergent theory of MI is proposed that emphasizes two specific active components: a relational component focused on empathy and the interpersonal spirit of MI, and a technical component involving the differential evocation and reinforcement of client change talk.

A Qualitative Exploration of Unconditional Positive Regard and its Opposite Constructs in Coach-Athlete Relationships

Person-centered theory (Rogers, 1959) offers a framework for helping relationships (e.g. parentchild, teacher-student, counselor-client). From this theoretical lens, unconditional positive regard

Empathetic Consultation Skills in Undergraduate Medical Education: A Qualitative Approach.

An inductive approach was used to explore how empathy is perceived to be expressed in undergraduate medical education, and reflects empathy as an integrative practice rather than an individual skill in medical communication.

Dispositional authenticity, facilitativeness, femininity ideology, and dyadic relationship functioning in opposite‐gender couples: Actor‐partner interdependence analysis

This prospective study examined (a) the mediating roles of Carl Rogers' facilitative interpersonal conditions (i.e., genuineness, empathic understanding, and unconditional positive regard) and (b)

La psicoterapia centrada en la persona en la actualidad: Teoría, práctica e investigación

Enmarcada en la orientación humanista-existencial, y con más de ochenta años de historia, la psicoterapia centrada en la persona continúa siendo uno de los principales sistemas de intervención

Dispositional authenticity, internalised homonegativity, and relationship quality in same-gender couples: an actor-partner interdependence moderation model

ABSTRACT This dyadic study with 158 same-gender couples examined the relationships between dispositional authenticity, internalised homonegativity, and perceived relationship quality, introducing The

Some observations on the organization of personality.

Non-directive therapy provides an opportunity to observe the inner dynamics of personality as they proceed with a minimum of interference from the therapist, suggesting that personality attributes and psychological abilities are not fixed but are alterable.

Education as communication

  • 1993

The nature and measurement of meaning.

s, 1934, 8, No. 153. 50. KARWOSKI, T. F., & BERTHOLD, F., JR. Psychological studies in semantics: II. Reliability of free association tests. /. soc. Psychol, 1945,22,87-102. 51. KARWOSKI, T. F.,