Untying of Complex Knots on Stretched Polymers in Elongational Fields

  title={Untying of Complex Knots on Stretched Polymers in Elongational Fields},
  author={Beatrice W. Soh and Alexander R. Klotz and Patrick S. Doyle},
Knotting is a prevalent phenomenon which occurs in long polymer chains. We perform Brownian dynamics simulations and single-molecule DNA experiments to investigate knot untying in elongational fields that is induced by the knot being convected off the chain. The change in knot size as the knot moves off the chain and unties causes a change in the effective Weissenberg number, which in turn leads to a change in chain extension. Large-scale chain conformational changes are observed in both… 

Diffusion of knots in nanochannel-confined DNA molecules.

L Langevin dynamics simulations without hydrodynamic interactions are used to probe knot diffusion mechanisms and the time scales governing the evolution and the spontaneous untying of trefoil knots in nanochannel-confined DNA molecules in the extended de Gennes regime to suggest a combination of self-reptation and knot region breathing for the simulated parameters.

Conformational State Hopping of Knots in Tensioned Polymer Chains.

We use Brownian dynamics simulations to study the conformational states of knots on tensioned chains. Focusing specifically on the 81 knot, we observe knot conformational state hopping and show that

Effects of Side Chains on Polymer Knots

As an intriguing phenomenon, knotting in DNA, proteins, and other molecules has been extensively investigated in recent years, not only because of fundamental interest in knotting but also because of

A Trefoil Knot Polymer Chain Translocates through a Funnel-like Channel: A Multi-Particle Collision Dynamics Study

With combining multi-particle collision dynamics (MPCD) for the solvent and molecular dynamics (MD) for the polymer chains, we have studied the conformation and untying behaviors of a trefoil knot

Revisiting the Second Vassiliev (In)variant for Polymer Knots

Knots in open strands such as ropes, fibers, and polymers, cannot typically be described in the language of knot theory, which characterizes only closed curves in space. Simulations of open knotted

Free energy of a knotted polymer confined to narrow cylindrical and conical channels.

It is found that increasing the knot complexity increases the typical size of the knot, and the scaling properties of the free energy and knot span are in agreement with predictions from a theoretical model constructed using known properties of interacting polymers in the Odijk regime.

Topological Disentanglement Dynamics of Torus Knots on Open Linear Polymers.

We simulate and study the topological disentanglement occurring when torus knots reach the ends of a semiflexible open polymer (decay into simpler knots or unknotting). Through a rescaling procedure

Topological Disentanglement of Linear Polymers under Tension

A theoretical description of the topological disentanglement occurring when torus knots reach the ends of a semiflexible polymer under tension, which shows remarkable agreement between the simulations and the theoretical predictions of the model.

Topological Entanglement of Linear Catenanes: Knots and Threadings

We used molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the self-entanglements of the collapsed linear catenanes. We found two different types of topologically complex states. First, we observed

Steady-State and Transient Behavior of Knotted Chains in Extensional Fields.

Recently, there has been a push to understand how molecular topology alters the nonequilibrium dynamics of polymer systems. In this paper, we probe how knotted polymers evolve in planar extensional

Untying Knotted DNA with Elongational Flows.

We present Brownian dynamics simulations of initially knotted double-stranded DNA molecules untying in elongational flows. We show that the motions of the knots are governed by a diffusion-convection

Dynamics of DNA Knots during Chain Relaxation

The knot swells at a time scale comparable to the end-to-end relaxation of the chain, which indicates that the swelling is dictated by the chain’s global dynamics.

Langevin dynamics simulations of the diffusion of molecular knots in tensioned polymer chains.

It is proposed that the lack of tension dependence of the knot diffusion coefficients measured in recent experiments is due to the fact that the experimental values of the tension are close to the turnover between the high- and low-force regimes.

Knots modify the coil-stretch transition in linear DNA polymers.

Because a knot reduces a molecule's relaxation time, it is observed that knot untying near the coil-stretch transition can result in dramatic changes in the molecule's conformation.

Spontaneous knotting and unknotting of flexible linear polymers: equilibrium and kinetic aspects

We report on a computational study of the statics and dynamics of long flexible linear polymers that spontaneously knot and unknot. Specifically, the equilibrium self-entanglement properties, such as

Translocation dynamics of knotted polymers under a constant or periodic external field.

It is found that cycling the force field can reduce fluctuations near the knot's jamming transition, but can enhance the fluctuations at very high forces since knots get trapped in metastable states during the relaxation process.

Stretching Response of Knotted and Unknotted Polymer Chains.

The observed differences of knotted and unknotted chain response increases with knot complexity and are sufficiently marked that they could be harnessed in single-molecule contexts to infer the presence and complexity of physical knots in micron-long biomolecules.

Jamming of Knots along a Tensioned Chain

We examine the motion of a knot along a tensioned chain whose backbone is corrugated due to excluded volume effects. At low applied tensions, the knot traverses the chain diffusively, while at higher

Knotting dynamics of DNA chains of different length confined in nanochannels

The observed interplay of knots and unknots lifetimes underpins the growth of the equilibrium knotting probability of longer and longer chains at fixed channel confinement.