Mind Celebrates OD 's Centenary [review of "100 Years of `On Denoting'", Mind 114, no. 456 (Oct. 2005)]

  title={Mind Celebrates OD 's Centenary [review of "100 Years of `On Denoting'", Mind 114, no. 456 (Oct. 2005)]},
  author={Michael Scanlan},
  journal={Russell-the Journal of The Bertrand Russell Studies},
  • M. Scanlan
  • Published 31 December 2007
  • Philosophy
  • Russell-the Journal of The Bertrand Russell Studies
1 Citation

Fictional vs. Factual Narration

Factual and fictional narrative are generally defined as a pair of opposites. However, there is no consensus as to the rationale of this opposition. Three major competing definitions have been