Abstract LB-451: Detection of urinary HE4 as a biomarker for epithelial ovarian cancer
- Zhong-Qian LiR. Radwan G. Barnes
- 15 April 2011
This pilot study demonstrated the utility of urinary HE4 level alone or HE4/Creatinine ratio as potential biomarkers for the detection of EOC in a pilot study that measured the HE4 levels in urine samples obtained from an institutional review board-approved sample bank.
Abstract 3678: An immunoassay for measurement of methotrexate on ARCHITECTisystem
- Robert J. SmalleyRaymond E. Picard T. Kettlety
- 1 October 2014
The ARCHITECT Methotrexate under development was demonstrated to be an accurate, precise, sensitive and robust assay for the measurement of MTX in human serum and plasma.
Validation of urinary HE4 as a biomarker for ovarian cancer.
- Zhong-Qian LiC. Fermér G. Barnes
- 30 January 2017
Urinary HE4 normalized with urinary creatinine appears to be a valid biomarker for the stratification of OC from benign pelvic masses.
Abstract 3574: Detection of serum CYFRA 21-1 as a biomarker for stratification of ovarian cancer risk in women with a pelvic mass
- Zhong-Qian LiRobert J. Smalley T. Kettlety
- 15 April 2012
Serum CYFRA 21-1 appears to be a useful biomarker for stratification of epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) from benign pelvic mass and LMP and low malignant potential tumor (LMP) in women with a pelvic mass.
Comparison of serum CYFRA 21-1 and ROMA in distinguishing ovarian cancer from benign pelvic masses.
- Zhong-Qian LiRobert J. Smalley T. Kettlety
- 20 May 2012
A cohort study to evaluate the serum CYFRA 21-1 as an ovarian cancer biomarker and compared it with ROMA (Risk of Ovarian Malignancy Algorithm), an FDA-cleared ovarian cancer algorithm.
Analytical evaluation of the Abbott ARCHITECT cyclosporine assay in comparison to LC/MS/MS and Abbott TDX/FLX
- G. MaineM. Edwards T. Kettlety
- 1 October 2008
Medicine, Chemistry
Heart-type Fatty Acid Binding Protein as a Marker of Ischaemia in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
- P. CollinsonF. Apple J. Hill
- 2015
HFABP results were consistent with paired troponin results indicating that it is a marker of cardiac necrosis, indicating the ongoing need for cardiac markers for ischaemia and non-MI events.
Analytical Performance of an Assay on ARCHITECT i System for Measurement of Methotrexate in Human Serum or Plasma
- E. PicardB. Burkhart H. Li
- 2015
The present study presents a novel and scalable approaches for quantifying the importance of EMT in the diagnosis of central giant cell granuloma, which has the potential to transform into a central nervous system disorder.
Abstract 4653: Role of serum HE4 in studying ovarian cancer progression and response to therapy with ARCHITECT HE4 assay
The clinical performance of an investigational ARCHITECT HE4 assay in the measurement of serum HE4 from longitudinal samples of subjects with EOC and single-point samples from healthy subjects, and subjects with malignancy, benign diseases, EOC or other malignant diseases is described.
Abstract 901: Specificities of CYFRA monoclonal antibodies KS 19.1 and BM 19.21 to cytokeratin 19
- A. VaskóG. D. ThorneT. KettletyZhong-Qian Li
- 15 April 2011
An ARCHITECT CYFRA 21-1 assay was used to investigate whether cancer biomarker antigens AFP, beta-HCG, CA 125, CA 15-3, CA 19-9 and CEA interfere with the binding of these two antibodies to cytokeratin 19 significantly.