Spontaneous Retrobulbar Haemorrhage Secondary to Orbital Varices of Inferior Ophthalmic Vein-A Case Report
- Im HaizulM. U. KalthumCb Mae-LynnH. Faridah
- 2012
Immediate surgical decompression with lateral cantholysis for retrobul bar haemorrhage was effective in the treatment of retrobulbar haemOrrhage, resulting in improvements in visual acuity and other ocular symptoms.
Autologous cultivated oral mucosal epithelial cells transplantation (COMET) with amniotic membrane based sheets for severe ocular chemical injury
- K. ThenM. U. KalthumC. WongG. Ooi
- 1 April 2013
Dengue fever presenting as bilateral dengue maculopathy
- M. U. KalthumH. Wong
- 2012
Manifestasi okular daripada demam denggi adalah pelbagai, termasuk makulopati, pendarahan retina, ‘retinal lesions’ dan vaskulitis, yang disebabkan oleh jangkitan virus dan insidens untuk demam Denggi bertambah setiap tahun.
Therapeutic and Tectonic Penetrating Keratoplasty- All in One
- W. NgM. U. KalthumC. JemaimaK. Then
- 4 June 2015
This case highlights both the possibility of good outcome of cornea graft in such a case, and also illustrates that patient’s autonomy to refuse treatment option outweighs beneficence.