Onboard processing of hyperspectral data in remote sensing systems based on hierarchical compression
- M. GashnikovN. Glumov
- 2016
Environmental Science, Computer Science
A compression method based on the hierarchical grid interpolation is used as the basic algorithm of data compression necessary to reduce the amount of transmitted information to solve the problem of onboard processing of hyperspectral data for subsequent transmission via the communication channels in systems of remote sensing.
Hierarchical GRID interpolation under hyperspectral images compression
- M. GashnikovN. Glumov
- 1 October 2014
Computer Science, Environmental Science
The ability to use a compression method based on the hierarchical grid interpolation for compression of hyperspectral images and an approximation of spectral channels to increase the method efficiency is analyzed.
A differential image compression method using adaptive parameterized extrapolation
- M. Gashnikov
- 1 July 2017
Computer Science
An image compression method using differential pulse-code modulation (DPCM) with an adaptive extrapolator capable of adjusting itself to local distinctions of image contours (boundaries) with close consideration given to the coding of the quantized signal is studied.
Machine Learning for Multiscale Video Coding
- M. Gashnikov
- 1 September 2023
Computer Science
An algorithm that allows for videoframes interdependency by using linear regression is offered and a conclusion is made about the promise of using the algorithm in video coding and processing.
Methods and Algorithms for Image Compression Based on Machine Learning
- M. GashnikovM. A. ChubarM. Yakubenko
- 1 October 2022
Computer Science
An image compression technology based on machine learning that uses segmentation of the original image into discarded and stored zones that confirms the prospects of the proposed technology for problems related to digital image compression.
Parameterized adaptive predictor for digital image compression based on the differential pulse code modulation
- M. Gashnikov
- 17 March 2017
Computer Science, Engineering
The adaptive nonlinear predictor is proposed for digital image compression method based on differential pulse code modulation and a special feature is offered for estimation the contour direction and intensity in the neighborhood of the current pixel.
A Heuristic Algorithm for Arbitrary-criterion Optimization of Quantization Scales
- M. Gashnikov
- 1 April 2021
Computer Science
The paper considers the generation of effective quantization scales which meet any quality criteria under any constrains and uses a uniform scale as an initial approach followed by an iterative target-criterion-optimizing recalculation of quantization interval boundaries with adhering to theconstrains at each iteration.
Optimal Quantization and Adaptive Interpolation in Compression of Multidimensional Signals
- M. Gashnikov
- 1 April 2020
Computer Science, Engineering
The paper deals with the algorithms of optimal quantization and adaptive interpolation in interpolative and hierarchical compression of multidimensional signals and the adaptation of parameterized interpolation algorithms to interpolative and hierarchical compression methods.
Multidimensional signal interpolation based on parametric space dimension reduction
- M. Gashnikov
- 1 June 2019
Computer Science, Engineering
A hybrid adaptive interpolator underlies the dimensionality reduction of a parametric space in the adaptive interpolation of a multidimensional signal.
Development and investigation of a hierarchical compression algorithm for storing hyperspectral images
- M. GashnikovN. Glumov
- 1 July 2016
Computer Science, Engineering
Recommendations on how to tune the proposed hierarchical compression algorithm to suit hyperspectral images storage problems are given.