Dynamics of Regular Star Polymers: The Intrinsic Viscosity
- F. GanazzoliG. AllegraE. ColomboM. D. Vitis
- 1 July 1995
Materials Science, Chemistry
The dynamics of a regular star polymer is investigated under good-solvent and Θ conditions. A self-consistent approach to the equilibrium and dynamics is proposed within the Gaussian approximation in…
The configurational free energy of a polymer chain
- F. GanazzoliG. AllegraE. ColomboM. D. Vitis
- 1 September 1992
Physics, Materials Science
The configurational, or elastic, free energy Ael of a polymer chain is discussed in terms of the Fourier configurational approach. The importance of accounting for all degrees of freedom of the chain…
Chain collapse of star polymers
- G. AllegraM. D. VitisF. Ganazzoli
- 1 November 1993
Materials Science, Physics
The self-consistent approach to free-energy optimization is applied to regular star polymers in bad solvents (T < Θ); the Gaussian approximation and the Zimm-Kilb description of Fourier modes are…